Grades 1 to 8
We follow the approved courses, enriched by active learning and teacher developed learning resources. Smart classes with play-way methods. We believe in HOLISTIC DEVELOPMENT of each child.
Secondary – C.B.S.E. Curriculum
Senior Secondary Examinations- C.B.S.E. Curriculum
We offer 3 streams in our senior secondary curriculum mentioned below:-
- Science Stream
- Commerce Stream
- Humanities Stream
The Curriculum is supported by appropriate planning documents, schemes of work and lesson plans. These plans:
take account of the ages, aptitudes and needs of all students.
give students experience in linguistic, mathematical, scientific, technological, personal, human and social, physical and aesthetic and creative education. Enable students to acquire speaking, listening, literacy and numeracy skills.
We are formulated chronologically to show appropriate progress from one stage of education to the next.
The Curriculum supports the development of learners who are confident, responsible, reflective, innovative and enquiring, resilient and adaptable.
- Become problem solvers, able to interact with subject content in critical and innovative ways.
- Acquire and employ strategies for accessing, processing, applying, synthesizing and evaluating content.
- Are actively engaged, able to shift easily between independent study and collaborative inquiry.
- Are keen to explore and evaluate ideas and arguments in a structured, critical and analytical way.
- Become aware of the processes as well as the products of their learning and develop the awareness and strategies to be life-long learners,
- Apply their knowledge and understanding to solve new and unfamiliar problems.